Friday, October 5, 2012

Traveling right along!

So since I last blogged, I left UGA and visited our Rho Gamma chapter at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana.

I had a great time visiting these ladies. I got to stay at the Phi Mu chapter house. The girls were so sweet to me, and the campus was absolutely beautiful. I was so excited that I was there for their Big/Little Reveal night last night. I have attached some pictures below. Reveal was done a lot like the way Kappa Pi did it when I got my little Becky! So it brought back some precious memories, and I loved getting to share this time with them.

Today, I headed to San Antonio, TX. Our chapter here is Epsilon Sigma. All this traveling is starting to confuse me on my days and time zones. Not to mention, I have yet to have a travel day that someone hasn't commented on my southern accent. I am proud to be a southern belle y'all. What can I say? And my computer needs to stop "spell checking" when I type y'all. Yes i know how to spell it. Thank you Apple. Haha!

This morning I boarded a plane in rainy 40 degree weather in Indy, and I landed in sunny 80 degree weather in TX. Talk about shock! During my flight today, I had a layover in Memphis, TN. It felt good to be on TN soil, even if it was just for an hour! :) Nothing like the good 'ole Volunteer State.

When I got to TX, the girls had me a home cooked meal prepared. The chapter's exec made me chicken tacos, guacamole, rice, beans, and lemonade. They have NO idea how much that meant to me. I eat out every meal, every day, and getting to eat in is a true treat. Also, tomorrow night they have a "Two Steppin' Mixer" with a fraternity on campus. I wish I had my boots to wear so bad, but they wouldn't fit in my suitcase. Consultant probs!! However, I am still going to go and learn a little line dancing! Rodeo Bob's won't know what hit them after I learn all these moves from the true line dancers in TX! Ha!!

Anyways, just wanted to give y'all an update! I'll be home October 15-19. Can't wait to see all my friends and family! Miss y'all so much, but I am having the time of my life!!

Landmark on campus for their angel mascot


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