Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hotty Toddy Y'all!

Since my last blog, I left Texas and headed along to Oxford, Mississippi. I got to visit Ole Miss. I was so excited when I found out that I got to visit here. It is Haley, on of my fellow chapter consultants, home chapter. 

I absolutely fell in LOVE with Oxford. I got here on Monday. When I arrived the girls had me a gift package together with a new Phi Mu bag, ID holder, tervis, button, and four tshirts! ANND on top of that Monday night is sit down dinner at the house and we had lobster mac n cheese! It was soo yummy! The cooks here are amazing. 

I was so excited to visit this chapter of over 300 women. Seeing how strong of a sisterhood they have has been my favorite part of the entire visit! 

Tuesday, I had meetings most of the day, but Tuesday night I got to go to the movie after dinner. For dinner we had fried chicken and peach cobbler. Man, I would gain a lot of weight eating Willie's food every day. He is the best cook I've seen in a longggggggg time! Back to the movie, this was the first time I went since I started traveling by the way, so it was a real treat. About 10 of us Mu's went to go see Pitch Perfect, and it was hularious. 

This morning I got to eat breakfast at a local place called the Bottletree Cafe. The man that owns the store is famous for his great food and has been featured on Oprah and on the Food Network! It was sooo yummy. I know breakfast is my daddy's favorite meal of the day, so one day I'll have to bring him back here! Then the president and secretary took me shopping on the square. BOY is it some good shoppin. Let me tell you, it is like Southern Traditions in Cookeville is on every single corner and I could have spent my whole life savings. My momma would have been in trouble if she visited this town. We could do some major damage! Ha! 

Most of my afternoon was spent in meetings, and I absolutely love feeling like I can help make a difference in the chapters I visit. My meetings, however, were interrupted by an unexpected fire alarm going off. Apparently something is wrong with the smoke detectors and we were all out on the lawn with firetrucks here for no reason. At least they didn't tell us the problem was our glad plug ins like they told Hanna, Shelby, April, and I in Arkansas!! Haha! I'm just glad it wasn't a real problem! 

Tonight, the lovely chapter adviser here took me to dinner. We went to another great local restaurant on the square. I was telling her how much I love Oxford, and I definitely want to come back and visit. I hate that I am having to leave before the game vs. Auburn this weekend. I want to experience The Grove! I'll just have to come back and visit with Haley sometime for sure! 

I'm headed off to Pennsylvania tomorrow for recruitment at Drexel University! I can't wait because recruitment is my favorite time of the year! It will be my last stop before I get to go home and see my family for a few days, so that is exciting too! 

That's all for now. Hotty Toddy, y'all! 

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