Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life in Philly

Good afternoon y'all! Since my last post, I have been in Philadelphia, PA. I visited Drexel University, and I had a great time.

I got here on Thursday afternoon, and that was round one of recruitment. I literally walked in the door, and rounds had just begun. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were recruitment. Today was Bid Day! I was SOOO excited that I got to stay for Bid Day. The girls did awesome. Quota was 27, and the women pledged 28! Go Beta Tau!

I would also like to take the time to mention that the Titans beat the Steelers while I was in PA. I was just a bit numbered out cheering for that one!

While I was here, I was able to go downtown one day and look around. Two of the sisters took me to get a Philly Cheesesteak at the famous place in town. There are two places that are across the street from each other. One is Pat's and the other is Geno's. We ate at Pats, and boy was it an experience. I had to order just like a true Philadelphian. I got a Cheesesteak whiz wit (with cheese whiz and onions). I was so nervous to order because if you mess up ordering you have to go back to the end of the line. Ha! However, I got it right, and didn't have to go back to the beginning.

I absolutely loved Philly, but the traffic here is horrible. Needless to say, the girls and I walked everywhere we could.

Today's Bid Day theme was Cirque de Phi Mu! The girls had a cupcake truck come and we made bracelets. We had a great time. We even had some Phi Mu's from Muhlenberg come and visit.

Tomorrow, I head home bright and early. I cannot wait to see my friends and family. I will be home from Monday-Friday!! Then I head back out to Mississippi State, and I will be there for their homecoming game vs. Middle TN! Can't wait!

That's all for now y'all. I better get to packing for my early flight that I have to leave at 6 am for in the morning!! TN BOUND!

Philly Cheesesteaks in Philly!

Preference Round

Welcome Home girls!

Drexel Dragon, the mascot

Since the campus is in the city, they did not have the typical school sign, but I found this one! :) 

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