Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ohio Adventures!

Since the last time I blogged, I've been pretty much in the state of Ohio! And BOY was it cold. Actually, it was like 40s the entire time, but compared to the 80s in Cali I got used to, I felt like I was in Alaska! Ha!

First, I visited Bowling Green State University, in Ohio (Not Kentucky!). I had a great time getting to know the girls in that chapter, and I got to be there for Preference rounds of recruitment and bid day! These girls were so sweet to me, and I loved getting to visit the campus and help out. The last day I was there, President Obama was speaking on campus. How crazy is that???? I didn't get to see him speak because the room was standing space only, but campus was chaotic to say the least. It was cool to be the same place as him too :)

From BGSU, I was driven by the President to meet an adviser for Case Western University. I was so glad I got to travel by car and not worry about the weight of my suitcase or my suitcase getting lost for that matter! We met halfway, and it turns out the adviser I was riding with from Case used to be a traveling consultant too, in 1992!! I loved hearing her stories from her travels. It makes me really appreciate having a computer for reports and information, and a cell phone for that matter! I just love meeting older Phi Mus, and talking to her really made my day! Things change so much over time, but they change so little at the same time!

Once I arrived at Case, I was greeted by all the women. I was doing an Operations visit, and therefore, I got to meet with all the girls in leadership roles. It was awesome to hear their plans and just learn about their chapter while I was sharing with them as well. The campus is absolutely gorgeous, and I hate that I had to leave today before Homecoming. Their president was crowned queen today!! So excited for her!

Today I had an early flight at 7:10 am, aka the crack of dawn literally, to Charlotte and a connection from Charlotte to Atlanta. Then I took a shuttle to Athens, GA. Did you get all that? A lot in one day! Ha! Anyways, I made it to Athens in time to go to the UT vs. UGA game. I was so nervous about scalping my first ticket, and I was afraid I was going to get ripped off. I walked over to the game with some of the girls from the Phi Mu chapter here, and they showed me where to scalp. I wore my orange UT jewelry and a Phi Mu loves the Dawgs sticker as well to support both teams :) Therefore, I must have looked like a good sport because this sweet little old man approached me. I had been trying to scalp a ticket for a good 15-20 minutes and found nothing under $100!! Crazy and I wasn't paying that much! This little man walked up and said, Honey, do you need a ticket, and he handed me one. I said how much do I owe you, and he said nothing my wife was sick and couldn't come today so I have an extra, but beware its in GA territory. I told him I would pay him face value, and I ended up getting to sit in the 7th row! Best seats I've ever had at a game besides at a Titan's game where we have season tickets with momma and daddy. It was such a close game, and I am so glad I got to go. It was worth getting up at 4:30 am this morning. Haha!

Anyways, just wanted to update y'all on what I've been into lately. :) Pictures are below!

Bid Day at BGSU

BGSU School Sign

Case Western's beautiful house

Case Western School Sign

BGSU Girls before Preference!

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