Monday, August 27, 2012

USC Visit #3

Hey y'all! I haven't blogged in almost two weeks. Time flies. I had a great time at USC and was so busy I completely forgot to blog. I was there for eleven days, and now I am in the great state of Arkansas. I was supposed to be heading home today for a few days, but instead I am at the University of Arkansas for colonization. I am getting to stay with three of the other consultants (Shelby, Hanna, and April) who are my great friends now, and I am loving it already. I will be here for two weeks, and then home for a while the second week in September.

I was at the University of South Carolina for recruitment the past 11 days. I am so sad I had to leave before Preference Round and Bid Day, but I know the girls are going to do awesome! They made me really proud! Katie is another consultant who I have became really good friends with too. We were roommates at training in Peachtree City, and she is a resident at USC this fall. So, I got to spend a lot of time with her the past week or so. Miss her already.

While in South Carolina, I got to see my cousins as well. I was SOOOO excited because there is nothing more comforting than seeing family when you are away from home. Not to mention, I have never been away from home for over two weeks, and it will be eight before I go home again. However, I am having such a great time traveling that it seems like time is FLYING by (literally- haha). I got to go to dinner with John, Lauren, and Bradley, and I even got to go to lunch with Lauren again. She leaves for Dallas next week for her job, and I am so glad I got to see her before she leaves on this next adventure in her life. FaceTime with Addison, Kristen, Paul, Momma, Daddy, and my friends helps too. Katie likes to make fun of my obsession with FaceTime/Skype/Snapchat/etc. but I just like to stay in touch with everyone. :)

While at USC, Katie and I also got to stop by the Lilly Pullitzer store, and I purchased my first Lilly dress. I never thought I would see the day. I love it already though, and I can't tell you how many people complimented it in the airport today! :) Having a steady paycheck makes me want to splurge every once in a while, and this was my splurge for a long while. Ha!

Tomorrow we are meeting ladies on campus at Arkansas, and I am looking forward to it. I already received two Arkansas tanks, and I can tell I am going to love this town. Cannot wait to show girls how "Pink goes with everything." I just LOVE being a Phi Mu!

That's all for now y'all. Below are a few of the pictures I took while in Columbia, SC! I would give anything to go back for the UT vs. USC game in October!

Love y'all and thanks as always for the support!!

Katie Billotti, chapter consultant, who is a resident at USC this fall!

Love my family! Cousin love :)

Beautiful USC Phi Mu house

Love Hottie Billotti!

Round 2 of Recruitment

Us with President Laurel

President and Phi Director with the Consultants

USC school sign. Visit #3!

John and Bradley, love them!

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