Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Purdue University

Hey y'all! I finished up my visit to my Delta Epsilon sisters at Purdue University tonight. I fly out bright and early tomorrow morning to head for USC (University of South Carolina, not Southern California ha!) I will be there for 11 days to help with recruitment. Can't wait to see my consultant roomie Katie Billotti!

I have had a great time at Purdue. These ladies have worked so hard during work week, and they are an excellent group of women. Everyone up here loves my accent, and I must say they think I am from the deep south and are surprised when I tell them TN!

I celebrated my 23rd birthday while I was here. WEIRD! I cannot believe I'm that old. My sweet church family and my sister, Kristen, sent me birthday cards. My momma and daddy sent me a cookie cake. Insomnia cookies are famous around here, and my parents had one delivered to my doorstep. I felt like I was at home with them. This was my first birthday ever away from my family, and that made me feel so special to have them thinking of me. The girls also sang me a big happy birthday song and had me a cake. Nothing quite like 100 women singing happy birthday to me all at once. Love my sisters!

I had my first Den Pop while I was here. This is a local favorite. Everyone gets these 64 ounce fountain drinks for 60 cents, and there are so many combinations it is crazy! I stuck with a pretty plain one, but some of the mixtures are wild. I also had a triple x burger, another local favorite. The locals get peanut butter burgers, but I stuck to a regular one.

The president, Melissa, and the philanthropy chair, Jen, took me on a tour of campus. I got to see the famous Purdue fountain and all of the fraternity and sorority houses. There is an entire area set off for housing called the Acres, and it is impressive. There are probably over 40 organizations here including fraternities and sororities, which isn't surprising considering there are 40,000 students. Just a little bigger than TTU huh?

The campus is so beautiful, and the chapter house is even more gorgeous. I loved spending time here! I guess I should be getting off of here and actually packing for my flight tomorrow. Below are pictures I snapped throughout my trip!

The famous Purdue fountain on campus

After our Den Pop run

Delta Epsilon Chapter of Phi Mu was est. in 1929.

President and I in front of the house

Such a beautiful house!

Purdue arch

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