Sunday, August 5, 2012

Training is over. Here I come Phi Mu America!

Training is over. I cannot believe these two weeks have already flown by! Yesterday we only went into the Headquarters for a half day. After my 5 mile MORNING run, I headed off to work. (Notice the emphasis on me actually getting up early and running instead of waiting till late at night! Ha!) While wrapping everything up yesterday, I was really amazed at everything Hara and the rest of Headquarters' staff were able to teach us. I can't forget to mention that before training yesterday, we had to all hit up the Banana Republic sale, which was 40% off of items already on sale. So I was able to get 3 business skirts and tops for under $15 a piece. I ended up packing several dresses I did not need in my mad race the night before I left for training, so I traded out these new outfits for those. With the addition of only 3 skirts, I was able to add 8 outfits to my wardrobe. I was so excited!

Yesterday afternoon we were able to relax and spend some time catching up on phone calls, talking to family members, etc. Also, the highlight of my day was getting to Skype with my daddy! Cannot believe mom and dad got Skype just for my travels, but I loved getting to see him and talk to him for a while!

Sleeping in today was amazing, but I quickly realized my body is used to waking up earlier. I was up by 9, and I am so glad! I got to enjoy the breakfast at the Dolce this morning. I had time to get an omlet and waffles, instead of the banana and yogurt I had been eating all week. I treated myself, and I told my parents about it. Since I know it's their favorite meal, I knew they would be jealous. If I could bring them to the Dolce to have breakfast I would; it's that good!

I was able to get a nice run in this afternoon, and listen to this... I had a lady stop me after getting off the treadmill to see if I could give her some personal training tips!!!! I know right? I was soooooo flattered. I have been working my tail off running since January now, and I feel like it's paying off! :)

After packing up my life into two suitcases tonight, I am ready to head to Auburn tomorrow morning bright and early. I am so excited about getting started on my first visit. These women seem so welcoming and excited about my visit, and I cannot wait to meet them. I never thought I'd be saying this, BUT let's go War Eagles! I am finally going to be on my journey of Phi Mu America, and I can't wait to share it with you all, and not to mention I will be adding pictures with my new Sony camera daddy helped me pick out. So be on the look out. Please keep me in your prayers throughout this next year. I know God has big plans for me, and I can't wait to see them unfold!

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