Thursday, August 2, 2012

Almost time for the traveling to begin!

So, I haven't blogged in quite a few days, and I figured I'd catch y'all up on the past little bit! We only have two days left of training, and I cannot believe how fast these two weeks have flown by. I have learned SO much, and gotten so close with the other consultants. It's hard to believe that we won't all be back together until October. Cindy, Hailey, and Shelby are all heading out tomorrow... so the lucky thirteen will be only ten :( I'm not heading out until Monday. First stop Auburn!!

Yesterday-- we had our first consultant photo shoot. First, we had single shots. I wore my mom's pink and orange dress (aka my favorite dress). Let's hope they turn out good. Today-- we had our group shoot. Look for our moment of fame coming soon in the Aglaia, our Phi Mu magazine! I'll attach our cute group shot when I get one! :)

We trained most of the day today as well, but we had a little distraction this morning when Carnation Collection (Phi Mu's retail store) showed us their entire stockroom of items. Needless to say I walked away spending $60, but I wanted to buy the whole store. It's Phi Mu heaven in there!

So glad I got to go back to Fork in the Road today because it is my favorite restaurant in all of Peachtree City. I love country food, and I've been missing Cracker Barrel with Jerry and Reba. I had chicken pot pie, but I have to say Cracker Barrel's is still my favorite.  :)

Since I got my run in earlier today, I'm just relaxing tonight and about to have sweet little angel Amanda paint my nails for me! We get to sleep in and go to work at 10 in the morning, so I'm going to be hitting the sack early and taking advantage of our extra hour... Because all know how much of a morning person Brittany is, NOT!

Pictures will come soon. I want everyone to see just how beautiful Headquarters is, so I will take one in the morning for y'all! Goodnight y'all!

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