Saturday, July 28, 2012

Catching Up On Week One

Cannot believer an entire week has flown by already! It has been a crazy busy/hectic week, but a great one! I feel like I have known these girls I am working with my whole life now, and we are becoming such great friends!

Yesterday we worked most of the day, and the colony team came to talk with us! We learned a lot about extension of chapters, and I got to meet Mrs. Mary, our National Council Vice President of Membership. She is SO awesome to work with. I aspire to be the lady she is one day!

Last night was the Olympics Opening Ceremony, and so naturally, us Mus had to celebrate! Hara had us a "Party in the USA" at her house with Kerri Slezak. It was so much fun. We had Mellow Mushroom pizza, olympic torch dessert, and even dreamcakes! ;) My favorite part by far though was seeing Hara's shoe room. I am SO jealous of her as she has over 200 pairs of shoes, and btw we wear the same size! A girl can never have too many shoes.

Today, we were up and at em again bright and early. We trained all day, and I got to speak with a lot of the women I will be traveling to visit soon. I cannot wait! I also found out my lovely Auburn women rented me a nice historic venue to stay at. They have already been so kind to me, and I'm not even there yet. Chik-Fil-A was the dinner of choice after our busy day, and I'm not complaining. I got to get an ice cream cone, and I didn't spill it in my lap this time. Ha!

Being a consultant has already taught me so much about who I am as a person, and I cannot wait to start working with my sisters on recruitment when I start traveling. Recruitment is my favorite time of the year, and I'm going to be traveling helping with recruitment all over.

Well, I'm off to watch a little bit of the Olympics, and then I'm "fixin to" head to work out since I pushed snooze too many times this morning! This whole getting up early is going to take some getting used to!

Also, I forgot to mention, I purchased my first pair of Kate Spade earrings today, and of course I had to get pink! I cannot wait for them to come in. Having a big girl job now is just going to make me want to spend it all on cute things! Gonna have to budget.....

Update you all more soon.


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