Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Welcome to the Real World, Phi Mu Style!

Day 2 of Phi Mu Chapter Consultant training was so much fun, and I learned a lot as well. I thought I learned a lot of things as President of my chapter, but there is still much more to learn. I'm loving every minute of it and soaking it up.

First, the #lucky13 (which is what our group of consultants call ourselves!) learned ALL we would ever want to know about insurance. I no longer feel stupid when it comes to that, and I think I might understand agents from now on.

The highlight of today by far though was our lunch with the National President of Phi Mu, Kris Bridges. She taught us all about table etiquette, and I am proud to say I now know how to sit at a formal dinner and not be completely nervous about how to act appropriately. I want to go to a formal dinner now just to practice! :) The one thing she said that stuck out to me the most though is that etiquette is about making everyone at the table feel comfortable, and I completely agree!

I also got to try Panera Bread for the first time in my life. I am eating all kinds of things I have never even heard of before since I've been here. Broadening my horizons for sure, considering I had Hibachi for the first time last night too. I had to go to Chik-Fil-A tonight to get an ice cream cone since theirs are my absolute favorite. However, as I was driving home I spilt the whole entire thing in my lap! Guess it just wasn't meant to be. Ha!

Can't forget to mention I received my first paycheck today. Haven't received a real one of those all summer, and so I definitely feel like I am in the real world now. I like it though! :) Getting paid to travel the world and help my sisters for an organization that I love more than anything is a dream. I'm living the dream, and I looooooooooove it! More to come later this week, and pictures soon too!

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