Saturday, August 11, 2012

Auburn University

Hey y'all! I am officially finished with my first chapter visit at Auburn University. I loved spending some time with my Alpha Mu sisters. They were so sweet to me, and they made my stay very enjoyable!

I was there for Ice Water Teas (day 1 of recruitment), philanthropy day, and I had to leave today, skit day! I was bummed I had to leave. The campus is SOO gorgeous. Lauren, the President, gave me a tour of campus yesterday, and I kept wondering why I didn't go there! I never thought I would say that!

I loved my stay at the local bed and breakfast. I had a freshly made omlette and fruit every morning. I am so spoiled now. Especially, when I had to go back to a muffin in the airport this morning!

These girls did such a great job all week long, and I hope to stay in touch with them and maybe even go back to visit. Who knows I might want to try to go to a UT/Auburn game sometime and drink some Toomer's lemonade. (another of the local favorites I got to try during my stay!)

I took the shuttle early this morning (5:50 am!!! Who knew that early even existed??), and now I am waiting in the ATL airport for my flight to Indianapolis in a few hours. I cannot wait to see Purdue's campus and meet these women. Work week here I come!

I am attaching pictures from my stay, and it is my goal to take a picture by every campus sign that I visit. So lots more pictures to come during my next visits. I absolutely love my new camera.

Time is already flying by. It seems like yesterday I was leaving for training, and now I am heading to my second visit. I will be away from home on my birthday tomorrow, for the first time ever, but I am so excited to spend it with the ladies of Delta Epsilon. I will have to celebrate the big 2-3 with my family on August 27, when I go home for a few days to good ole Cookeville.

Love y'all! Prayers for a safe flight today please! :)

President and Recruitment Director with me on Philanthropy Day

Some of the great girls I met!

Beautiful Campus

Off to the next campus after a great visit!

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