Sunday, January 13, 2013

Case Western: Take Two!

So when I found out that I got to visit out Delta Omega chapter for a second time at Case Western Reserve University, I was so excited. I arrived here on Friday and leave out tomorrow morning. This weekend was recruitment workshops!

I was so excited to get to see the women I met during my list visit, and also to get to know the next executive committee. Recruitment workshops went SO well, and I cannot wait to hear how great these women do in recruitment over the next few weekends.

The only damper to my stay was that I got sick on Friday night. I am convinced that it is a bad sinus infection, but no matter what it is it stinks being sick away from home... However, these girls were so sweet and took me to the pharmacy, checked in on me, and made me feel like I was at home! Sisters helping sisters! :)

Last night the girls took me out to dinner to a fancy italian restaurant in Little Italy, and boy was it delicious. Today, I got the pleasant surprise of getting to see Beth Monnin! I met her several times during extension last semester traveling, and it was so good to see her again. Her daughter is a member here at Delta Omega! Beth used to be a consultant, and she has served our Fraternity for years by being an adviser, serving as an area officer, and even being on our National Executive Committee. She is such an inspiration to me! :)

Tomorrow I leave out to head to Florida Gulf Coast University. This is our only extension from the fall that I haven't visited yet. I am so excited to be a frequent visitor there this spring, and I am SO excited about getting to see Lindsey Wall. She is the resident consultant there, and we are great friends. I haven't seen her since training last July! It's been toooooo long, and I can't wait to catch up!

That's all for now y'all! I'm hoping the warm Florida weather will clear up my sickness! Prayers would be greatly appreciated! Love y'all!

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