Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Up here in Raven Country!

Hi everyone! So since my last post, I have been up at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County. I took off on my flight from South Florida in 83 degree weather and landed in 30 degree weather here! BURR! What better time to come though, than right after the Ravens won the Superbowl? I must admit I am not a huge Ravens fan, but since they are AFC I was rooting for them! I have seen more purple in the past few days than I ever did at TTU! HA!

I have been here visiting during our Phi Gamma Chapter of Phi Mu's spring recruitment. I was so excited I was able to be here for all four rounds of recruitment, and tonight is the final night, preference. The girls have been so enthusiastic, and I absolutely loved getting to know them.

I tell you though, everywhere I go here... as soon as I speak, the first thing people say is "You're not from around here are you? You're from the South." Happened to me today, and all I did was ask for my wheat bread toasted! I must have one strong accent! :)

I am so sad that I will not get to stay here for Bid Day tomorrow night, but I am excited to head home tomorrow for a few days with the friends and family! The only downfall is that I have a ton of things to do while I am home, one of them being the GRE! UGH! Hopefully this will be my last time taking it though. I am just thankful that I get to be home with my honey on Valentine's Day, and I also get to be home for my momma's birthday! Being away from home makes you appreciate the little things thats for sure.

That's all for now y'all! I am not sure where I am heading out to when I leave home Monday! So my next blog will be a surprise!

Here is my campus pic with the retriever mascot! :) Be looking for pics from preference tonight too coming later of my lovely Phi Gamma's all dressed up in their black dresses!

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