Monday, January 7, 2013

Indiana University!

SOOOO I had to write a blog about my latest visit, since it's been before Christmas since my last one. I am back on the road for spring semester, and I absolutely loved my first visit at Indiana University.

I arrived here on Friday, and when I landed my body automatically went in to freeze mode! I am not used to weather even near this cold, and there is nearly a foot of snow on the ground! WOW!

I was here for round three of recruitment and also for preference. I got to help out a lot with the behind the scenes of recruitment and I absolutely loved it. The girls at Delta Alpha got a GREAT pledge class, and I am so proud of them.

Today was Bid Day, and the theme was Red, White, and Mu! The sweatshirts they got were so cute! Here to welcome phis, the girls storm buses that drop them off at houses, and boy oh boy was it cold. I had on my gloves, scarf, ear muffs, pea coat, and about four pairs of socks and still froze! It was so worth it though to see new members tearing up from excitement getting off the buses. GIVES ME CHILLS! I did have to miss The Bachelor and the championship game tonight though, but it was so worth it! No worries though, I have The Bachelor recorded and got updates on my ESPN app for the game! HA! Here are a few pics from tonight:

Membership Directors


Bid Day!

My reference girls!

I am so sad I am already leaving tomorrow, but I am so glad I got to visit this campus. I was supposed to come here for leadership training known as UIFI the summer of my presidency and I didn't get to, due to summer class. So it was a treat to get to come. The house is so beautiful, and listen to this.... they have chocolate milk on tap!!!!!! :) I'm in heaven. They also have a gym in their house, which makes me so jealous. It's very nice. I love everything about UI! The president is going to give me a campus tour tomorrow before I get dropped off at my shuttle, so my usual campus pic will not be in this blog, I still got one... no worries!

So glad to be back on the road!

Mu Love,

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