Saturday, January 19, 2013

Everything's Bigger in Texas at Houston Baptist University

So since my last blog I have been at Houston Baptist University in Houston, Texas helping our Epsilon Mu chapter of Phi Mu with recruitment.

I am so proud of the ladies in this chapter, and I cannot wait for Bid Night tonight!! I got here on Thursday for Skit Round, and our theme was Phi Mu Road Trip. It was such a funny skit, and I think I had as much fun as the girls in the skit did. Friday was Philanthropy Round, and everyone knows how much I love CMNH! Today was Preference, and tonight is Bid Night. Our theme is "It's hard to be humble when you are queen of the jungle!" We are taking our new members out to the Rain Forest Cafe for dinner tonight, and I am so excited to see them all come running out to us!

The highlight of my trip though I must say was today on the way back from lunch being told that I was the most influential consultant my chapter has ever had. As consultants we work long hours (especially during recruitment), and the job is not always easy. However, knowing that I made a difference in the lives of the girls I meet is the reason I took this job, and today I felt like I accomplished that! I seriously wanted to tear up with joy! :) I am so glad that God placed this job in my life path, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store for me!!

Preference Day

Phi Mu Road Trip

Philanthropy- I'm a bit of an odd ball! :)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Case Western: Take Two!

So when I found out that I got to visit out Delta Omega chapter for a second time at Case Western Reserve University, I was so excited. I arrived here on Friday and leave out tomorrow morning. This weekend was recruitment workshops!

I was so excited to get to see the women I met during my list visit, and also to get to know the next executive committee. Recruitment workshops went SO well, and I cannot wait to hear how great these women do in recruitment over the next few weekends.

The only damper to my stay was that I got sick on Friday night. I am convinced that it is a bad sinus infection, but no matter what it is it stinks being sick away from home... However, these girls were so sweet and took me to the pharmacy, checked in on me, and made me feel like I was at home! Sisters helping sisters! :)

Last night the girls took me out to dinner to a fancy italian restaurant in Little Italy, and boy was it delicious. Today, I got the pleasant surprise of getting to see Beth Monnin! I met her several times during extension last semester traveling, and it was so good to see her again. Her daughter is a member here at Delta Omega! Beth used to be a consultant, and she has served our Fraternity for years by being an adviser, serving as an area officer, and even being on our National Executive Committee. She is such an inspiration to me! :)

Tomorrow I leave out to head to Florida Gulf Coast University. This is our only extension from the fall that I haven't visited yet. I am so excited to be a frequent visitor there this spring, and I am SO excited about getting to see Lindsey Wall. She is the resident consultant there, and we are great friends. I haven't seen her since training last July! It's been toooooo long, and I can't wait to catch up!

That's all for now y'all! I'm hoping the warm Florida weather will clear up my sickness! Prayers would be greatly appreciated! Love y'all!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Indiana University!

SOOOO I had to write a blog about my latest visit, since it's been before Christmas since my last one. I am back on the road for spring semester, and I absolutely loved my first visit at Indiana University.

I arrived here on Friday, and when I landed my body automatically went in to freeze mode! I am not used to weather even near this cold, and there is nearly a foot of snow on the ground! WOW!

I was here for round three of recruitment and also for preference. I got to help out a lot with the behind the scenes of recruitment and I absolutely loved it. The girls at Delta Alpha got a GREAT pledge class, and I am so proud of them.

Today was Bid Day, and the theme was Red, White, and Mu! The sweatshirts they got were so cute! Here to welcome phis, the girls storm buses that drop them off at houses, and boy oh boy was it cold. I had on my gloves, scarf, ear muffs, pea coat, and about four pairs of socks and still froze! It was so worth it though to see new members tearing up from excitement getting off the buses. GIVES ME CHILLS! I did have to miss The Bachelor and the championship game tonight though, but it was so worth it! No worries though, I have The Bachelor recorded and got updates on my ESPN app for the game! HA! Here are a few pics from tonight:

Membership Directors


Bid Day!

My reference girls!

I am so sad I am already leaving tomorrow, but I am so glad I got to visit this campus. I was supposed to come here for leadership training known as UIFI the summer of my presidency and I didn't get to, due to summer class. So it was a treat to get to come. The house is so beautiful, and listen to this.... they have chocolate milk on tap!!!!!! :) I'm in heaven. They also have a gym in their house, which makes me so jealous. It's very nice. I love everything about UI! The president is going to give me a campus tour tomorrow before I get dropped off at my shuttle, so my usual campus pic will not be in this blog, I still got one... no worries!

So glad to be back on the road!

Mu Love,