Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alabama isn't so bad without the the "Roll Tide"

So I have been in Alabama for my last two visits at Huntingdon College and Samford University!

While I was at Huntingdon, it was really neat to see how far a chapter has came that just was colonized a few years ago! I absolutely loved getting to see a small campus with so much character in Montgomery, AL. The girls were so sweet to me, and I even got to attend a sisterhood event. We played Just Dance on the Wii, played board games, and ate pizza! I loved it! It's so fun to just sometimes hang out and remember how much our sisterhood means! The girls there also gave me a Homecoming Tshirt, comfort colors at that! So I will definitely be wearing that! :)

From Huntingdon I was driven to meet the president of our chapter here at Samford. I was typing her number in my phone to call her and saw she had a 931 area code! Crazy huh? WELLLL.. turns out her name sounded familiar too, and as I started placing my suitcases in her trunk I saw her golf clubs, and it clicked! She used to play golf in highschool for Clarksville, and I played for Cookeville. We used to play in a lot of the same tournaments. What a small world!! I was telling her about how I almost

I am staying at the Phi Mu house here at Samford. There are two girls who are Phi Mu sisters and biological sisters too that live in the room I'm staying in! Their room is THE cutest room I have ever seen. It seriously looks like it came just out of pottery barn with the monogrammed headboards, pink and green bedspreads, pink fridge, keurig coffee maker, and monogrammed EVERYTHING! I absolutely love it, and I want my room in grad school to be half this cute! Ha!

I have had a great time here! The girls took me to eat at a Mexican place called Little Donkey Friday night, and it was SO yummy. Everything is made fresh, and the guacamole was heavenly! Saturday morning I had meetings, and then I had the night off. I was able to go to the gym in the afternoon and catch up on some reports. Not to mention, I finally had a chance to try out my new curling wand! I think it was a success, with the exception of a HUGE burn on my neck. Oopsie! :(

Saturday night I got to go to dinner with Sallie Forrester! I grew up with her in youth group at FBC in Cookeville, and hadn't seen her except briefly in forever. I love getting to see familiar faces during my travels. It is so comforting to see family and close friends. We went to flip burger, and I got a nutella and burnt marshmallow milkshake. It was sooooooooo good. Then we just went shopping around the Summit a bit, and of course had to check out the Loft 40% off sale. But I was a good girl and only spent $12! :)  We picked up right where we left off in our friendship, and I am so thankful for lifelong friends like her!

Today was a great day as well! I had meetings most of the afternoon, but we had a short two hour break before meeting. The girls were so sweet and took me to see downtown and to get a Steele City Pop! They are the biggest hit in town, and the popsicles are great. I got a cranberry orange popsicle! After that, they took me to see the Vulcan, which is like Birmingham's landmark and from the top you can see the entire city of Birmingham! On our way back to campus, we got to stop by the school sign and snap a shot and take a picture with Mr. Beason, a famous alum from here!

I absolutely LOVE the campus and the people. All the girls here are SO sweet.

Tomorrow, I was supposed to be heading off to Maryland to visit Towson! However, Hurricane Sandy had other plans. My flight to Baltimore was canceled, and instead I am going home! I will be home from Monday to Monday, yes an ENTIRE week!!!!! :) but on the flip side of that I am very worried about my sisters who are in the north right now, please say an extra prayer for their safety.

After home, I am off to the state of Arkansas! Can't wait to visit Arkansas Tech and head on to the University of Arkansas again to be reunited with my buddies Shelby, Hanna, and April!! That's all for now y'all!!

Hanging out with Mr. Beason!

Campus sign

The Vulcan

Overview of Birmingham with the President Lauren!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hail State!

Since my last post, I had a great few days back at home with my family and friends and then I headed out to Mississippi State!

I arrived at Mississippi State on Friday night, just in time for the homecoming game on Saturday vs. MTSU and the local alumnae brunch before at the Phi Mu house! I was able to meet one of the founding mothers from the Kappa Alpha Chapter, and it was such a sweet experience. The president, Leslie, was sweet enough to give me her ticket to the game, and took me to a local adviser's tailgate for BBQ before the game. I had a great time, and I even got to meet two ADPi consultants who are friends with Caroline, the ADPi consultant who was president at TTU while I was! We had to take a picture together and send it to her!

During the game, I was able to sit in the student section, and I had a cowbell to ring, so I fit in with everyone else. It was so much fun, and Maura the Phi Mu on court looked gorgeous.

While I was at MS State, I was also able to see downtown. The girls took me to a local fro yo place and a local boutique that is owned by a Phi Mu alum. The name of the boutique is LA Green, and it had the cutest things, but I was a good girl and didn't spend any money, especially since when I arrived the girls gave me 4 tshirts to add to my bag already! I cannot wait to get started on a tshirt quilt with all the goodies I have received along the way.

Last night I headed out to be driven from MS State to Huntingdon College in Montgomery, AL. We hit some AWFUL traffic along the way. A trip that would normally take 3 hours took us almost 7! :( Needless to say, by the time I reached Montgomery I was a sleepy girl!

This morning I went jogging around campus, and now I am about to get ready for my meetings later today! Busy day! BUT I can't forget to mention today is my best friends 23rd birthday!!! I wish I could be with her today, but I will get to see her in less than two weeks so that makes it better! Love you Meggy!!

The Kappa Alpha President, Leslie, and I 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Life in Philly

Good afternoon y'all! Since my last post, I have been in Philadelphia, PA. I visited Drexel University, and I had a great time.

I got here on Thursday afternoon, and that was round one of recruitment. I literally walked in the door, and rounds had just begun. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were recruitment. Today was Bid Day! I was SOOO excited that I got to stay for Bid Day. The girls did awesome. Quota was 27, and the women pledged 28! Go Beta Tau!

I would also like to take the time to mention that the Titans beat the Steelers while I was in PA. I was just a bit numbered out cheering for that one!

While I was here, I was able to go downtown one day and look around. Two of the sisters took me to get a Philly Cheesesteak at the famous place in town. There are two places that are across the street from each other. One is Pat's and the other is Geno's. We ate at Pats, and boy was it an experience. I had to order just like a true Philadelphian. I got a Cheesesteak whiz wit (with cheese whiz and onions). I was so nervous to order because if you mess up ordering you have to go back to the end of the line. Ha! However, I got it right, and didn't have to go back to the beginning.

I absolutely loved Philly, but the traffic here is horrible. Needless to say, the girls and I walked everywhere we could.

Today's Bid Day theme was Cirque de Phi Mu! The girls had a cupcake truck come and we made bracelets. We had a great time. We even had some Phi Mu's from Muhlenberg come and visit.

Tomorrow, I head home bright and early. I cannot wait to see my friends and family. I will be home from Monday-Friday!! Then I head back out to Mississippi State, and I will be there for their homecoming game vs. Middle TN! Can't wait!

That's all for now y'all. I better get to packing for my early flight that I have to leave at 6 am for in the morning!! TN BOUND!

Philly Cheesesteaks in Philly!

Preference Round

Welcome Home girls!

Drexel Dragon, the mascot

Since the campus is in the city, they did not have the typical school sign, but I found this one! :) 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hotty Toddy Y'all!

Since my last blog, I left Texas and headed along to Oxford, Mississippi. I got to visit Ole Miss. I was so excited when I found out that I got to visit here. It is Haley, on of my fellow chapter consultants, home chapter. 

I absolutely fell in LOVE with Oxford. I got here on Monday. When I arrived the girls had me a gift package together with a new Phi Mu bag, ID holder, tervis, button, and four tshirts! ANND on top of that Monday night is sit down dinner at the house and we had lobster mac n cheese! It was soo yummy! The cooks here are amazing. 

I was so excited to visit this chapter of over 300 women. Seeing how strong of a sisterhood they have has been my favorite part of the entire visit! 

Tuesday, I had meetings most of the day, but Tuesday night I got to go to the movie after dinner. For dinner we had fried chicken and peach cobbler. Man, I would gain a lot of weight eating Willie's food every day. He is the best cook I've seen in a longggggggg time! Back to the movie, this was the first time I went since I started traveling by the way, so it was a real treat. About 10 of us Mu's went to go see Pitch Perfect, and it was hularious. 

This morning I got to eat breakfast at a local place called the Bottletree Cafe. The man that owns the store is famous for his great food and has been featured on Oprah and on the Food Network! It was sooo yummy. I know breakfast is my daddy's favorite meal of the day, so one day I'll have to bring him back here! Then the president and secretary took me shopping on the square. BOY is it some good shoppin. Let me tell you, it is like Southern Traditions in Cookeville is on every single corner and I could have spent my whole life savings. My momma would have been in trouble if she visited this town. We could do some major damage! Ha! 

Most of my afternoon was spent in meetings, and I absolutely love feeling like I can help make a difference in the chapters I visit. My meetings, however, were interrupted by an unexpected fire alarm going off. Apparently something is wrong with the smoke detectors and we were all out on the lawn with firetrucks here for no reason. At least they didn't tell us the problem was our glad plug ins like they told Hanna, Shelby, April, and I in Arkansas!! Haha! I'm just glad it wasn't a real problem! 

Tonight, the lovely chapter adviser here took me to dinner. We went to another great local restaurant on the square. I was telling her how much I love Oxford, and I definitely want to come back and visit. I hate that I am having to leave before the game vs. Auburn this weekend. I want to experience The Grove! I'll just have to come back and visit with Haley sometime for sure! 

I'm headed off to Pennsylvania tomorrow for recruitment at Drexel University! I can't wait because recruitment is my favorite time of the year! It will be my last stop before I get to go home and see my family for a few days, so that is exciting too! 

That's all for now. Hotty Toddy, y'all! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Traveling right along!

So since I last blogged, I left UGA and visited our Rho Gamma chapter at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana.

I had a great time visiting these ladies. I got to stay at the Phi Mu chapter house. The girls were so sweet to me, and the campus was absolutely beautiful. I was so excited that I was there for their Big/Little Reveal night last night. I have attached some pictures below. Reveal was done a lot like the way Kappa Pi did it when I got my little Becky! So it brought back some precious memories, and I loved getting to share this time with them.

Today, I headed to San Antonio, TX. Our chapter here is Epsilon Sigma. All this traveling is starting to confuse me on my days and time zones. Not to mention, I have yet to have a travel day that someone hasn't commented on my southern accent. I am proud to be a southern belle y'all. What can I say? And my computer needs to stop "spell checking" when I type y'all. Yes i know how to spell it. Thank you Apple. Haha!

This morning I boarded a plane in rainy 40 degree weather in Indy, and I landed in sunny 80 degree weather in TX. Talk about shock! During my flight today, I had a layover in Memphis, TN. It felt good to be on TN soil, even if it was just for an hour! :) Nothing like the good 'ole Volunteer State.

When I got to TX, the girls had me a home cooked meal prepared. The chapter's exec made me chicken tacos, guacamole, rice, beans, and lemonade. They have NO idea how much that meant to me. I eat out every meal, every day, and getting to eat in is a true treat. Also, tomorrow night they have a "Two Steppin' Mixer" with a fraternity on campus. I wish I had my boots to wear so bad, but they wouldn't fit in my suitcase. Consultant probs!! However, I am still going to go and learn a little line dancing! Rodeo Bob's won't know what hit them after I learn all these moves from the true line dancers in TX! Ha!!

Anyways, just wanted to give y'all an update! I'll be home October 15-19. Can't wait to see all my friends and family! Miss y'all so much, but I am having the time of my life!!

Landmark on campus for their angel mascot
