Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ohio Adventures!

Since the last time I blogged, I've been pretty much in the state of Ohio! And BOY was it cold. Actually, it was like 40s the entire time, but compared to the 80s in Cali I got used to, I felt like I was in Alaska! Ha!

First, I visited Bowling Green State University, in Ohio (Not Kentucky!). I had a great time getting to know the girls in that chapter, and I got to be there for Preference rounds of recruitment and bid day! These girls were so sweet to me, and I loved getting to visit the campus and help out. The last day I was there, President Obama was speaking on campus. How crazy is that???? I didn't get to see him speak because the room was standing space only, but campus was chaotic to say the least. It was cool to be the same place as him too :)

From BGSU, I was driven by the President to meet an adviser for Case Western University. I was so glad I got to travel by car and not worry about the weight of my suitcase or my suitcase getting lost for that matter! We met halfway, and it turns out the adviser I was riding with from Case used to be a traveling consultant too, in 1992!! I loved hearing her stories from her travels. It makes me really appreciate having a computer for reports and information, and a cell phone for that matter! I just love meeting older Phi Mus, and talking to her really made my day! Things change so much over time, but they change so little at the same time!

Once I arrived at Case, I was greeted by all the women. I was doing an Operations visit, and therefore, I got to meet with all the girls in leadership roles. It was awesome to hear their plans and just learn about their chapter while I was sharing with them as well. The campus is absolutely gorgeous, and I hate that I had to leave today before Homecoming. Their president was crowned queen today!! So excited for her!

Today I had an early flight at 7:10 am, aka the crack of dawn literally, to Charlotte and a connection from Charlotte to Atlanta. Then I took a shuttle to Athens, GA. Did you get all that? A lot in one day! Ha! Anyways, I made it to Athens in time to go to the UT vs. UGA game. I was so nervous about scalping my first ticket, and I was afraid I was going to get ripped off. I walked over to the game with some of the girls from the Phi Mu chapter here, and they showed me where to scalp. I wore my orange UT jewelry and a Phi Mu loves the Dawgs sticker as well to support both teams :) Therefore, I must have looked like a good sport because this sweet little old man approached me. I had been trying to scalp a ticket for a good 15-20 minutes and found nothing under $100!! Crazy and I wasn't paying that much! This little man walked up and said, Honey, do you need a ticket, and he handed me one. I said how much do I owe you, and he said nothing my wife was sick and couldn't come today so I have an extra, but beware its in GA territory. I told him I would pay him face value, and I ended up getting to sit in the 7th row! Best seats I've ever had at a game besides at a Titan's game where we have season tickets with momma and daddy. It was such a close game, and I am so glad I got to go. It was worth getting up at 4:30 am this morning. Haha!

Anyways, just wanted to update y'all on what I've been into lately. :) Pictures are below!

Bid Day at BGSU

BGSU School Sign

Case Western's beautiful house

Case Western School Sign

BGSU Girls before Preference!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

California Lovin'

Hey y'all! It's been quite a while since my last post. SO much has happened since then. I have to update everyone on all the fun things that have been going on.

First of all, after Brenau I was able to go home for a few days and spend some time with my family and friends. It was such a great time seeing everyone and catching up. However, three days is hard to fit in seeing everyone! I got to eat at El Tap, Strouds, spend time with my best friends, eat a bunch of mommas home cookin', see Addison start walking!!!!!!, watch some Titans football, attend church service with my church family, change out my outfits in my suitcase, and SO much more.

After home, I headed out to California (California State University at Northridge)!! First time I have ever been west of Texas. Needless to say, I was so excited. I had such a great time helping with extension there. Three other chapter consultants were there (Coley, Emily, and Katie!) I was so glad I got to see them :) Many other Headquarters staff were there too. I got to stay in the hotel with Jess Winkles, Kerri, and Kilby! Amy (who was my CRC when I was president) and Andi Cash (past national executive council member) were also there. I just loved spending time with everyone there, and I also loved meeting all the new women and the local alumnae. Bid day was Friday, and we got such a great group of young women. The alumnae from the area gave the extension team all a gift for our hard work. Before I tell you what it is, I want to say that it was the most thoughtful gift I have ever gotten in my life. They made us homemade pillows. They were handsewn from special articles of clothing from past Phi Mus. Mine is made from the wedding dress of a Phi Mu from UCLA. Some were from Phi Mu formal dresses of past members, hand sewn fabric, and all other types of special meanings. It was truly such a sweet gift. I have mine on my bed with me right now actually! I just LOVE extension, and I am so glad that I got to be a part of CSUN and Arkansas!

After Cali, I headed out to Bowling Green State University. I originally thought I was heading to Kentucky, but I found out that it is in Ohio. I had a little difficulty with my travels here to say the least. My flight from LA got delayed. I missed my connection from Chicago to Toledo. I had to fly into Detroit. I had to be picked up in Detroit and drove to the Toledo airport to pick up my luggage that turned out to not be there. My luggage got left in Chicago overnight (which I might add I had to check my carry on suitcase too due to a lack of overhead space), and therefore when I arrived at the Phi Mu house I had nothing but my purse and laptop. It was a 15 hour travel day! HOWEVER, the bright side is that when I arrived my sisters here had already purchased me toiletries, laid me out clean pjs, and gave me a bedroom all to myself. They were SO understanding and considerate, and that made my day so much brighter.

Today was Bid Day at Bowling Green, and I just loved the girls Wizard of Oz theme! The chanting, excitement, and running out of new girls gives me chills and brings tears of joy to my eyes every single time! I am so excited to be here until Wednesday, and then I head to Case Western (the home school of one of my good consultant friends, Anna!) I am going to be driven there, so no luggage can be lost! :) Ha!

I recently received my schedule through November, and I am going to 20 universities this semester!!! After Case Western, I am heading south to the University of Georgia. Incidentally, I will be in town for the UGA vs. UT game! Tell me that isn't fate! ;) I am so excited for my upcoming travels, and I will be home to see my family and friends again on October 15-19th!

That's all for now. Here are some pictures I have of the last few weeks!

Extension Team at CSUN after Sweet on Sisterhood Recruitment Party

Chapter Consultants in CSUN

Extension team on Bid Day!

Just had to get my picture with the school sign! (it reads CSUN from both sides too I might add!)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Brenau University

So it hasn't been long since my last blog post, but I had a short visit to Brenau! I arrived there Monday and tonight I came back to Atlanta. Brenau is an all women's university, and our Mu chapter of Phi Mu is there. Our Mu chapter was founded in 1910, and it is our second oldest consecutively open chapter. There is a lot of history for both the campus and Phi Mu. The women of the Mu chapter were the ones who helped write our creed. Fun fact, huh?

I was there for the Open House and Philanthropy Round. The women worked so hard and did great both nights! I was able to jump right in and lend an extra hand to help out, and I really enjoyed myself.

During the first day of my stay, I was able to run a few errands with the advisors and see the town. We even got to see North Georgia College, where the advisor is from, and I got my picture with that school sign as well since we have a Phi Mu chapter there! :) The town has many old timey stores on the square , and we got to visit an embroidery store, a historical barber shop (which I'm sure my momma and daddy would have loved!), and eat some homemade chocolates! Of course I had a homemade Reeses cup! YUM! I even got to stop by a local boutique, Dress Up, with some of the sisters!

The women also taught me a lot of the campus traditions. With just a little over 800 students, everyone gets to know each other, and the campus has a very comfortable feel.

Tonight, Hara, my boss :), and Robin, came and picked me up to drive me back to Atlanta. I am staying with Hara tonight because my flight is in the morning. We stopped for dinner, and had a great time catching up. I told Hara tonight I feel like the Lucky 13 should be here with me! I am missing my consultant girls a lot!!

I head home tomorrow for the first time since July! I am SOOOOO excited to see my family and friends. I am so excited for a fun filled weekend, and I hope Addison remembers me! Momma, Daddy, and Addison are picking me up at the airport in the morning so I better be getting to bed. :) Goodnight y'all!

Brenau University

With the girls before Philanthropy Round

North Georgia College school sign! (Only about a 30 minute drive from Brenau!)

Girls all ready for Open House Round

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Incidentally, pink goes with everything y'all!"

Hey y'all! I don't even know where to start! I have been at Arkansas for a little over two weeks helping with the recolonization of our Alpha Beta Phi Mu Chapter. It has been an absolutely amazing visit to say the least. There are three resident consultants living here in Fayetteville full time, Shelby, April, and Hanna, and I am so glad I got to visit and catch up with them while I'm here! Jess Winkles, Christa, Sopko, Caitlyn Oliver, and Erica were all also here from Headquarters Staff! It was so comforting to see familiar faces when I'm away from home for so long! Beth Monin, past National Council member, was also able to come up for a while, and I hate she couldn't stay for Bid Day too! We are so blessed to have volunteers like her in Phi Mu!

We did several days of PR, which is Public Relations. We got to meet girls on campus, tell them more about Phi Mu, and sign them up for our recruitment process. I was here for two recruitment parties, Pink goes with everything and Sweet on Sisterhood. They both went very well.

Also, while I was here I got to tailgate and semi-attend my first Arkansas football game. We didn't get tickets to the actual game, but we got to call the hogs and tailgate for a while. I can't believe I called the hogs, and I felt like such a traitor to my good ole Vols, but I must admit it was pretty fun.

Over the course of my time here, we had a few mishaps. Our air in the apartment went out, and incidentally the AC man could not fix it for almost 5 days! However, we got to stay in a hotel, and it all worked out. Our 105 degree apartment was just a little too hot to take!

I also got to pick up on a lot of new trends here in Arkansas. I had no idea Chacos were so popular here or I would have packed mine. I needed them for all the hills on this campus. My Jack Rogers were a little tough! I also got some Lily and Laura bracelets (in UT orange of course), and purchased a Southern Trend tank!

We even got to celebrate Hanna's 23rd birthday while I was here. I was so excited to no longer be the only old kid! We ate out at a nice restaurant, and had Rick's bakery about five times in two days. Rick's Bakery is a local place here, and it is to die for. For all my Cookeville friends, it is a mixture of Ralph's Donuts and GiGis cupcakes in one! We need one in Cookeville!

Basically, I had an amazing time here, and Bid Day today was just the icing on the cake! As I saw all of the women tearing open their bid cards today, I began to tear up. It was such a bittersweet special time. I was so proud to be a Mu! Our Bid Day was held at the Chi Omega house on campus, and we had Carnation Collection (the Phi Mu boutique) set up for selling, ate barbeque, took pictures, and had a great time! Also, our Past National President, Frances Mitchelson, was able to come up to help over the colonization process and for Bid Day. I was so excited I got to meet her, and she was so helpful to us!

I am so sad I am leaving tomorrow morning, but even though this has been a great visit, I know I have many more great ones to look forward to! I am heading out to Brenau University tomorrow for a few days during recruitment, and I am looking forward to meeting the women there. Recruitment is my favorite time of the year, and I love that I am getting to help with the first two rounds at Brenau! I will be heading home from there. I cannot wait to see my family and friends in a short five days! I cannot believe I have been traveling since July 23rd. My how time flies. Well, I'm going to post some pictures of my visit and hit the bed for my long traveling day tomorrow! Talk to y'all later!

Hanna, Jess Sopko, and I

Consultants at Pink Goes With Everything Party

Caitlyn Oliver and I 

April and I

Enjoying a little Arkansas sun

Balloon Ceiling at Sweet on Sisterhood Party!

April and I

Shelby, April, and I

Consultants at Sweet on Sisterhood Party

Consultants on Bid Day

Phi Mu Team on Bid Day

Love our new Phis!

Love new Mus!

Besties for the resties!

Past National President, Frances Mitchelson, and I on Bid Day

Alpha Beta Bid Day!

Consultants with our Extension Director, Jess Winkles
Just doing a little PR!

Twinsies! April and I doing PR!